Who saw this one coming? Fortnite has officially pushed past PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds in terms of games that get the most playtime on Twitch. That’s according to SullyGnome, which tracks streamtime for big online games. Fortnite is now topping PUBG in number of streams, number of channels streaming, time streamed, and number of daily viewers as Fortnite continues its climb – and PUBG falls.
Worth pointing out, however, is that the Fortnite community is somewhat skeptical about the sudden boom. As Polygon explored yesterday, some streamers and watchers argue that multiple Fortnite-centric channels are seeing a spike in Twitch Prime subs from “compromised accounts and bots” thanks to Epic’s current skin promotion, through which Twitch offers an exclusive. It’s possible the spike in viewers and viewtime for the game are related.
In other Fortnite news, Epic says it’s “working on bringing parity to the control schemes” between the PvP battle royale and PvE Save the World modes.