If you love trying to speculate about the next title coming from Blizzard based on vague job postings, you’ll be happy to know that another one is there, asking for a director with a passion for PvP experiences. Of course, Blizzard’s last three titles have all been PvP-focused experiences, but combined with the focus on unit abilities and the promises that this will be a first-person title, the game sounds a lot like…
Well, actually, that sounds a lot like Overwatch. Which is already a thing that exists, so perhaps that’s not it.
Speculation can, of course, go in almost any direction; it could be Blizzard’s version of a battle royale title, a new version of the aforementioned Overwatch, or almost anything else. We simply don’t know at this point. But have fun speculating down in the comments and/or grousing about the promise of another first-person PvP-focused game getting released. It’s a very original genre.