Valve’s summer Steam sale is here, complete with a space theme. Here’s what’s notable in the pile this year and a bit beyond Steam too! Error… error… error.
On Steam…
- Elder Scrolls Online is 50% off.
- Anxious for Fallout 76? The rest of the franchise is deeply discounted.
- PUBG is under $20.
- EVE Online’s editions are half off. Subs are on sale too.
- Black Desert is down to five bucks.
- A bunch of Trove packs are up to 70% off.
- Final Fantasy XIV’s bundle is 33% off.
- Shroud of the Avatar is $19.99.
- Warframe’s bundles are half off.
- Project Gorgon is down to $30.
- TERA’s Steam packs are up to 40% off.
- Elite Dangerous is up to 55% off.
- Some of RIFT’s packs up to 60% off.
- Skyforge boosters are 30-60% off.
- Age of Conan’s DLC are 30-50% off.
- Atlas Reactor’s bundle packs five bucks.
- Perpetuum is 75% off, though it kinda sunsetted.
- Anarchy Online’s bundles are 30-50% off.
- Gloria Victis is 60% off.
- Conan Exiles is down to 24 bucks.
- ArcheAge’s starter pack is 10 bucks.
- No Man’s Sky is 50% off.
- The massive War Thunder summer bundle is half off.
- DayZ is 20% off.
- ARK: Survival Evolved is under 20 bucks.
- The Crew is 75% off.
- H1Z1 has a pack for $3.
- Life is Feudal is 40% off.
- Portal Knights is 40% off.
- The Black Death is half off.
- The Division is a whopping 80% off.
- Citadel Forged With Fire is half off.
- Osiris New Dawn is half off.
- PixArk is 20% off.
- Grim Dawn is up to 70% off.
- Dark & Light is 50% off.
- OrbusVR is 30% off!
- Staxel is 25% off.
Outside of Steam…
- Champions Online has a 20% off sale. It also just slashed prices on freeform toons.
- The classic Guild Wars titles are half off. And so worth it.
- Guild Wars 2 and its expansions are of course half off as well. $15 Path of Fire, yo.
- Shroud of the Avatar is down to $19.
- Albion Online’s packs are 34% off.
- The Blizzard gear store has a big ol’ sale going.
- WildStar’s packs are half off. Thanks, Derek!
- Neverwinter is running a bonus rewards charge promo with 40% off ZEN. Thanks, Ultorius!
- Star Trek Online has discounted lifetime subs. Cheers, Polyanna!
- World of Warcraft has a welcome-back promo and a 25% off sale. Thanks, Polyanna!
Curiously, as I was copypasting my list from last year to update it, I noticed that a lot of the sales this summer are not as good as they were last year (not so big a discount). Make of that what you will, and do pipe up in the comments if you spy more your fellow readers might want to know about! And try not to overspend. You know who you are!
Source: Steam sale.