Every once in a while here at Massively OP we like to highlight a game that might have flown under pretty much everyone’s radar despite being out for some time. Today that title is Haven and Hearth, a survival crafting MMO that’s been around for at least five years.
Inspired by Slavic and Germanic mythis, Haven and Hearth places a huge focus on an explorable, exploitable, and mutable game world. While it may look simple (the MMO was written in Java and developed by two “Swedish university dropouts”), there’s a charm with the graphics and a very deep crafting system at play.
“As players progress, they will be able to acquire new skills and abilities, allowing them to perform a variety of tasks — such as the claiming of land, the construction of buildings and the cultivation of crops — each step forward making the basic task of survival somewhat easier,” the team explained. “Having progressed far enough, players will, in time, be able to organize themselves into societies, from simple tribes and villages, progressing through republics, nation states and, ultimately, empires.”
Haven and Hearth is still in alpha. Take a look at this game from several years ago with ProJared’s review after the jump!