A week or so ago, Justin penned a popular Daily Grind about the non-humanoid races/species that always seem to be relegated to “minority status” in MMOs. As a fan of Ithorians, Gibberlings, and Charr, I so hear you. I could spend a whole column ranting about the lack of support for cool Charr armor, for just one example.
But that discussion got me thinking about the races and species that MMOs don’t even bother developing at all. When was the last time you saw, for example, a whale-inspired race? I’m thinking of the Star Wars franchise’s Herglic race. They’re basically walking orcas. Like… I would play an MMO that has something like this.
Don’t get me wrong; I like elves and gnomes and all those tropes, and talking cows are pretty cool. But I’d rather see MMOs exploring entirely new ideas at this point. What race or species have you never seen in an MMORPG?