We have started the prime Halloween season, as it is now October. Needless to say, this means Halloween events aplenty, as is good and proper. And that means I’m always thinking about seasonal events, because few things get me as excited as the prospect of Halloween rewards. Especially in Final Fantasy XIV, which tends to go a bit overboard for its seasonal events, by which I mean a lot overboard by making every new year a completely new event.
For most games, this is neither necessary nor wanted; no one has complained about the fact that fighting the Headless Horseman in World of Warcraft has persisted otherwise largely unchanged for years now. Frankly, it’s still fun, thematic, and cool. Most games stick with the same basic template, occasionally adding something new, year after year. But sometimes this basic template is, well, not a very good template. If you didn’t like Guild Wars 2’s initial Halloween offering (or Christmas offering, or Valentine’s offering, or whichever seasonal event offering you dislike), you probably won’t like round seven of the same.
So don’t feel constrained to the Halloween season. Instead, just ask yourself: What MMO seasonal event is most in need of an update? And then let us know, so we can have a chat about it.