BlizzCon 2018 may be over, but virtual ticket holders have still been digging into the World of Warcraft Classic demo. Although the demo was originally scheduled to end today, Blizzard Community Manager Bornakk dropped by the game’s official forums to announce that it has been extended through the weekend and will now end at 1:00 p.m. EST on Monday, November 12th. This is the second change to the WoW Classic demo schedule following the removal of the 60-minute time limit last Saturday.
The announcement comes in the wake of a petition to extend the demo started by popular WoW streamer Asmongold, though it’s not clear whether the petition brought about the change or Blizzard was planning on extending it all along. Fan reaction to the announcement seems to be largely positive, though many players on the official forums and on the game’s subreddit are calling for Blizzard to end the demo in favor of a proper full beta test. There’s no word on whether that’s in the cards yet or not, but for now, players will have the rest of the weekend to explore the demo’s two playable zones, Westfall and the Barrens.