It looks like Neowiz Bless Studio — developer of Bless Online, if that wasn’t immediately obvious — is returning to the mothership, so to speak, as it’s been announced that the studio will be merging with its parent company Neowiz “by June 2019.” The official reason given for the decision to fold the studio into Neowiz, according to MMO Culture, is to “enhance management efficiency” and “enhance corporate value,” but it’s not much of a stretch to guess that that’s probably just corporate speak for “Bless Online bombed and we need to figure out what to do next.”
This shouldn’t have any effect on Neowiz’s upcoming console title Bless Unleashed, as it’s being developed by a separate, internal development team in conjunction with Bandai Namco. As for Bless Online itself, however, there’s no telling what kind of an impact this could have. In light of the game’s subpar performance and lukewarm reception last year, though, as well as its cancelation everywhere but in the west, it’s certainly possible that this doesn’t bode well for the game’s future. For right now, though, we’ll just have to wait for an official statement.