From the time of this story’s publishing, you have precisely six days to come up with your most clever and pun-loaded moniker. That’s when World of Warcraft Classic will open up name reservations for your toons, and you’d better step up your name game. I expect to see some prime silliness out there, people.
Monday, August 12th, at 6:00 p.m. EDT is the appointed hour for name reservations in WoW Classic. Those with an active subscription or game time on their account will be able to create up to three characters and have their names reserved when Classic goes live on Monday, August 26th.
Blizzard will be releasing realm names and realm types later in the week and will be monitoring servers in the interest of providing warnings of long queue times if players end up crowding on certain realms. Players should also be aware that they can only make characters from one faction if they decide to select a PvP server. Once WoW Classic goes live, the PvP server restriction will stay in place, but the number of characters per account will not; players can have a maximum of 10 characters per server to a maximum of 50 characters across all realms in your region.