Shroud of the Avatar hosts a livestream about fishing in fetid water

Huh. That... huh.

If you want to watch a community livestream about Shroud of the Avatar’s community team hosting a fishing contest in fetid water, gosh, today is your day. The stream itself is starting at 5:00 p.m. EDT, and players can just hang out in the South Fetid Swamp and fish. Longest fish caught by 6:00 p.m. EDT wins a prize, along with other prizes for the runners-up in the impromptu contest.

For those of you who don’t feel like spending your Friday evening in a stinking swamp trying to catch fish, the other big news of this particular update chiefly concerns things players can pick up in the game’s microtransaction store, including butterflies and new outfits. There are also some free reward items to celebrate Richard Garriott’s birthday and a discount to go along with that event. Check out the full newsletter to get a more detailed rundown of the sales and the items in question, or just head into the swamp for fishing later today.

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