I don’t play RIFT. I never had, and on the occasions when I have it’s kind of just not been my thing. But I still really hope the game pulls out of its current slump and bounces back, because it’d be a genuine loss if this game went away. It was always an interesting title that tried not to simply copy World of Warcraft but to actually evolve forward from it consciously, and the people whom it has delighted definitely deserve to have their game to enjoy. I’d be sad if it were gone.
There are games we’ve all wanted to try but never quite got around to, but I think it’s worth thinking about the games that we have no intention or desire to try but still want around all the same. So what MMO do you not play but you would still miss it if it were gone? What title matters to you as something you want in the world, even if you don’t personally want to be playing it?