WRUP: Advanced street-crossing techniques edition

It's a car.

The Backwards Banana: The… the what? What the heck is this? What do you want me to type here? Are you supposed to backflip over a car or something? Is that the plan you had in mind when you wrote this list?

The Seven-Time “Flippy” Cross: Do you just… cross the street several times? Do you get up into the face of a car and just really show it who’s boss? I am at a complete loss as to what the premise of this article is supposed to represent.

The Duke of Edmonton Gambit: This is a chess move, I think. I suspect you copied this from a chess manual. What do you want from me? What in the world is supposed to be happening in these entries? Do you think it’s funny to talk about someone being reckless in the middle of the street?

The “Napper”: Crossing the street is not a difficult process once you pass the age of six. It is safe and does not require any advanced techniques. The basic technique is fine.

The Left-Handed Wipe-off Wipeout: What you’re proposing with this list is that you are in some manner meant to forego the functional and safe methods for crossing the street, thereby putting definitely yourself and possibly others at risk of physical or psychological damage.

The Glormpfing Double Glormpf: This What Are You Playing makes me sick. This is not funny.

Bonus question: When was the last time you visited a school you previously attended and have since left?

Andy McAdams: I’m feeling the need to diversify my gaming a bit, so I’ll probably be dipping into The Elder Scrolls Online but also picking up another game to split my attention a bit. I don’t know what, but something.

Bonus Question: Uhh, I went back to visit friends a year after I graduated college but I don’t think I went back after that.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Man, I haven’t even thought about what I’ll play this weekend, and here we are at WRUP. What happened to this week?! I should probably get into Star Wars Galaxies Legends and do some crafting because I’ve now neglected it too long. I also patched up TESO yesterday, but I am not sure what I’m gonna do with it yet.

Couple years ago when I was back home visiting relatives for the holidays, I drove past my university to see some of the new additions. Looks way better than when I went!

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I think I’m slowly getting in to Black Desert Online, so that is probably going to be a primary focus. I also am going to perhaps do some further social event stuff in Final Fantasy XIV and enjoy some low-stress gaming with No Man’s Sky.

I have never been to any school I used to attend. I’ve pretty much left those times far, far behind me.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): While I’ll obviously be doing stuff in FFXIV this weekend, I’ve got a real hankering for more Fire Emblem to play, which means I’ll probably be doing the New Game Plus thing in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and possibly casting back to Fire Emblem: Awakening as well. Since it’s my birthday weekend, I give myself permission.

My wife and I actually went back to our college a few years back because we liked some of the surrounding shops and restaurants… but at this point, the whole place has changed so much that we no longer really have the personal connection to it we used to. That’s not to say it’s bad or anything; just that it isn’t for us any longer. (Which, you know… we haven’t been attending it in more than a decade, so it makes sense.)

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I was already starting to get back into ESO prior to the big Skyrim announcement, but that’s certainly helped to fuel my personal excitement. I’m trying to get through Elsweyr with my Warden (bear smackdown FTW) and then will strike out for other lands.

Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): Shouldn’t there be more week left? I am playing host to out-of-state visitors. I might settle in with Banished, or maybe do some low-effort virtual chores in BDO.

Samon Kashani (@thesamkash): I’ll be running some achievement points in Guild Wars 2 Lunar New Year. Then a bit of time leveling up in ArcheAge Unchained. Possibly some moments doing the daily in Albion Online. Plans at least.

I think the last time I was at my last school was for my 10 year reunion… Several years ago.

Tyler Edwards: Probably more Star Trek Online, though I feel like I’m starting to run out of steam a bit. Not sure if I’m burning out on the game generally or if it’s just that the Klingon missions are dull. Maybe a bit of both. I’m tempted to mix it up with something else, but not sure what. Maybe some Age of Empires II?

Bonus question: I don’t really remember specifically. I remember revisiting my old elementary school a few times as a teenager. Mostly I remember the stairwell seemed much smaller.

Patron Pierre: Death Stranding is still my main game this weekend. But as so many game launches have been postponed this last week, I’m replaying through The Last of Us to prepare my next huge game of the year: In just one week, it’s now become TLoU part II.
On the MMO front, I’m really hyped by the upcoming Greymoor extension; I’ve pre-ordered it, and I’m playing The Elder Scrolls Online again. I really love this MMO., I’ve been loving it since its original launch, many years ago now, as ZeniMax has always kept close contact with the players and regularly developed so much content. There are so many things to do in this MMO today, and the quest writing is extremely good. So I’m really glad to be back in Tamriel. And you MOP readers, what are your gaming plans for the weekend?

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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