We can no longer make jokes about Bless Unleashed not having a proper launch date, it seems, because the game’s official launch has been announced for March 12th at long last. Upon launch it will be free-to-play for everyone, but for those who can’t wait that long, you can buy a founder’s pack (of course there are founder’s packs) to get up to a 15-day headstart on playing the game. Then your friends will all log in and you’ll be able to laugh at them because you’re Level Awesome and they’re Level Stupid. Assuming you have friends who are planning to play and aren’t willing to buy a founder’s pack, anyhow.
Of course, your friends can wrap right back around to lapping you if they’re willing to pay for the Bless Pass feature and you aren’t. Bless Pass is a 90-day rotating reward track, with rewards on both the free and paid side of things, and paying for the pass gets you access to far more rewards for completing daily tasks. This might remind you of a cornerstone of another game’s business model, but it only reminds you of that because they’re basically identical.
Bless Unleashed launches on March 12, 2020, and you can pre-order your Founder's Pack for up to 15 days headstart today!
https://t.co/0bVbtGyOlo pic.twitter.com/hxMjamvk34— BlessUnleashed (@BlessUnleashed) February 12, 2020