So, PC player friends, how has Phantasy Star Online 2 been working for you? Have you been running face-first into issues? Have you been circumventing things with the PSO2 Tweaker? Are you perhaps wondering when an “official” fix is coming? Regarding an answer to that question, we’re going to have to keep wondering if the most recent tweet is any indication.
The devs still maintain that they’re “working closely with Microsoft on the issues [players] are currently experiencing,” though they have not provided any timeline for when fixes will arrive. For the time being, there’s still a page of suggested fixes, or you can perhaps make use of the aforementioned Tweaker tool.
If you are among those not having issues with the game on PC, then why not stop in to the in-game casino? There have been boosts to several casino games over the course of the week, which run on a timed schedule all the way through to Monday, June 8th.