Black Desert’s new Q&A covers everything from dancing and new classes to inflation and endgame


Apparently, Heidel Ball was a big success for Black Desert this year, such that Pearl Abyss couldn’t even answer all the questions players had sent in for the Q&A. Rather than dump those questions, the team this week released the best of the leftovers. And the answers. That’s sort of the important part.

The team touches on ranger terrain skills, loyalty revamps (plan coming soon on that one!), the skill window revamp, horse training, hunting content, new life skill content (no plans for that), trading updates, guild systems, new instruments for the music system, docks, enhancements, inflation, aerial content (not coming), party dungeons, marriage systems (not coming), dancing (no longer happening), new support toons, season servers, new classes, in-game mail, ocean content (more news coming)… it’s a genuinely huge list of topics addressed. Although the studio deflected the question about how many devs actually play the game, PA did note it was considering bringing together players from multiple regions for feedback. And as for endgame philosophy?

“The reason why we didn’t provide big rewards beyond Lv. 60 was to minimize the pressure of leveling up. It’s the same reason why we crammed most of the ways to get stronger into Lv. 60. Currently, leveling up beyond Lv. 60 is more of a challenge or a way of obtaining bragging rights, rather than to become more powerful. Yet, there are already some who have reached Lv. 66! As of Monday, June 8th, there are 51 Adventurers (17 in Korea, 14 in Taiwan, 7 in Japan, 6 in Russia, 1 in Thailand, and 6 in the NA/EU region) who‘ve accomplished this feat. Quite commendable, and for these Adventurers, we will prepare additional fame-boosting rewards. In regards to Life Skills, we don’t have anything specifically planned at the moment, but we will consider a similar kind of reward based on boosting fame. Nevertheless, there are currently no immediate plans for a material-based reward in the foreseeable future.”

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