If you’ve been adventuring — or trying to, at least — in Middle-earth this week, you may be quite aware that certain Lord of the Rings Online servers have been on the fritz. Arkenstone, Brandywine, Crickhollow, Evernight, and Gladden all have been taken down multiple times by Standing Stone Games over the past two days for “server environment issues,” but as of this morning, it looks as though all of the game worlds have reopened.
Hopefully these problems won’t cast a dark shadow over this weekend because it’s time for the greatest annual player concert series: Weatherstock XII! Saturday’s party consists of dozens of player bands performing at the summit of Weathertop on the Landroval server for adoring crowds. You can check out the schedule below:
Here is the full schedule for Weatherstock XII on Saturday, July 18, 2020 taking place on Weathertop in Landroval server! #LOTRO #Weatherstock #WSXII pic.twitter.com/UzYEuVwGGs
— Ales and Tales (@alesandtales) July 15, 2020
Source: LOTRO, Weatherstock