Some new content is always better than no new content, and so Champions Online players have not complained to be finally receiving new story arcs over the past year. The current questline is due to be completed “very soon,” and Cryptic gave a quick preview as to what it will entail.
“What began with rampaging Cobra Lords has turned into a massive conspiracy that only you can uncover,” the studio said. “It’s called The Midnight Depths, and in it you’ll face one of your toughest challenges yet, and meet a character from Champions lore who has yet to appear in our game. Will you be able to put a stop to the all powerful Unknowable One? Will Graknash’s schemes comes to fruition? Only you will be able to decide, when you step inside The Midnight Depths.”
Cryptic also ran a costume contest and showed off some of the excellent player-created outfits from the event:
Congratulations to the honorable mentions, and runner ups from today's costume contest! Our winner was Blue Bolt! pic.twitter.com/nlEiJZ2IQL
— Champions Online (@ChampionsFFA) August 29, 2020
Source: Champions Online