The devs of Crucible would like to inform those in the game’s beta take two of what it’s got planned for the Heart of the Hives mode. Which is good considering that is the primary mode for the game thus far.
The latest internal build for the game includes some new locked spawn points, a shift of objective spawns to the center of the map as well as tweaks to objective timing, the addition of creature camps, the end of Hives spawning in the same place twice, changes to Pods that will heal for less than before but will heal the whole team in return, and a trimming of XP earned per kill to put more emphasis on creature camps and harvesters.
According to the post, this new build is about a month away from being released to the game’s closed beta, but internal feedback has been positive and it shouldn’t be too long before Crucible closed beta testers have their own romp in the updated mode.