For science: New UK study finds that video games improve the mental health, reading, and writing skills of kids

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Team play.

So this one’s fun. The results of a study performed in the UK between November and December of 2019 have just been released. The study’s goal? Surveying children to find out the effects that video games have on their lives. And the findings? It turns out that video games are a net positive, as 85% of the subjects surveyed state that they read more based on their interests in games, while 63% go on to write things related to video games. That includes creative works as well as just blogging or chatting.

Moreover, more than 76% of those surveyed communicated with their peers based on enjoying video games, and there were a plethora of responses indicating that games helped the children deal with difficult emotions and imagine being someone else. Obviously, one survey alone doesn’t give the full picture, but it appears to be another brick in the ongoing path of understanding showing just how much a love of games can bring to someone’s life. Other than ridiculous game memes, of course.

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