It turns out that professional athletes placing bets on their own performances in games is generally frowned upon in most sports. This is true in competitive gaming as well. Counterstrike: Global Offensive, well known as a game in which people find the most absurdly corrupt ways to cheat or behave like jerks and perhaps occasionally play a match with some shooty bits, has just had seven of its professional players in Australia banned for 12 months following the revelation that they had all placed bets on themselves.
The betting went a layer deeper as the players also had associates placing identical bets in some of the matches under review. Law enforcement has been notified and further penalties will be assessed on the legal level, but the year-long ban will stop these players from taking part in any professional engagements in the game for some time. Alas, poor CS:GO players, you just wanted to make bets you could influence. How did this all go so wrong? (It was the premise. It went wrong at the idea itself.)