Remember way back in 2015, when Chinese studio Changyou bought up the rights to classic territorial warfare MMORPG Shadowbane and relaunched it overseas as World of Shadowbane? It was welcome news, though western players were still stuck playing on emulators instead. But six months ago, Changyou began testing an international version of the game, and now it’s apparently gearing up for a launch on Steam. Here’s the statement from the official site, run through Google translate:
“Thank you for your support for the shadowbane international nostalgic test service over the past six months. After many iterations, the current game server and client functions have been optimized. The new version of the game will be launched on the Steam platform soon. It is expected to be released at the end of January 2021. The current international nostalgic test service will be closed at 12:00 on December 1, 2020. The opening time of the new test service is to be determined, and the invitation test entrance will be reopened at that time.”
Don’t remember Shadowbane? It originally launched in 2003 but lasted only six years in the wild. MOP’s own Game Archaeologist has chronicled its history if you need a recap!