Longtime readers will know we’ve been granting an official end-of-the-year award for the most underrated MMO for several years now. But it comes along with another tradition: There’s always that one guy who comes into the comments to argue that our most underrated is the most overrated, actually.
My dude, today’s poll was made for you.
What was the most overrated MMO of 2020? What MMO just doesn’t deserve the praise that we or other gamers give it? To stop this poll from punching down, we’re just gonna limit it to some of the bigger MMOs playable in the west currently, but you can pick three!
Leaderboard: What was the most overrated MMO of 2020?
- World of Warcraft (24%, 104 Votes)
- Elder Scrolls Online (9%, 40 Votes)
- Final Fantasy XIV (13%, 58 Votes)
- Guild Wars 2 (5%, 20 Votes)
- Black Desert (10%, 43 Votes)
- EVE Online (3%, 12 Votes)
- Star Wars The Old Republic (1%, 6 Votes)
- Lord of the Rings Online (2%, 7 Votes)
- RuneScape (1%, 4 Votes)
- Star Citizen (12%, 51 Votes)
- ArcheAge (1%, 5 Votes)
- Star Trek Online (1%, 4 Votes)
- Blade and Soul (0%, 1 Votes)
- Neverwinter (0%, 1 Votes)
- DC Universe Online (0%, 1 Votes)
- EverQuest II (0%, 1 Votes)
- TERA (0%, 0 Votes)
- City of Heroes (2%, 7 Votes)
- Secret World Legends (0%, 0 Votes)
- No Man's Sky (1%, 3 Votes)
- Torchlight III (2%, 10 Votes)
- Elite Dangerous (0%, 1 Votes)
- Dungeons and Dragons Online (0%, 0 Votes)
- Albion Online (1%, 6 Votes)
- Destiny 2 (3%, 11 Votes)
- Project Gorgon (1%, 3 Votes)
- New World (6%, 25 Votes)
- Nothing (3%, 11 Votes)
- Something else (hit the comments!) (1%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 302