Back in December, the devs of Sea of Thieves released a news bulletin video that, among other things, talked about seasons, which add content, events, and additional rewards that can be harvested over three months. Now Rare Ltd. has kicked out yet another video that further elaborates on seasons and how they work.
According to the video, all of the deeds players do in Sea of Thieves will progress them through the season, whether it’s landing on a new island, fighting skeletons, or digging up loot. All of this is done by way of earning Renown from completing adventures and overcoming Trials objectives, unlocking 100 levels of free rewards in each season along the way or an additional 11 Pirate Emporium goodies for those who buy a Plunder Pass. Tracking progress through each season can be done from the Pirate Log menu, which lists earned Renown, unlocked and upcoming rewards, and information on all available Trials.
Not only will each season promise to bring new deeds, rewards, and things to do, but there will be further updates to the game overall including quality-of-life improvements, new features or voyages, and fresh items to the Pirate Emporium. The embedded video below offers a rundown of what to expect, while the official site provides more information on seasons themselves as well as the Plunder Pass. Also, make sure to check out our recent Fight or Kite that dipped its toe into the Sea of Thieves to find out where the game stands currently.