WRUP: How to marry a pumpkin edition


Step 1: Have a pumpkin.

Step 2: You want to marry that pumpkin? You think you’re ready for that kind of commitment?

Step 3: No, don’t you go on to step three, I’m not done with you back on step two, jerk!

Step 2 Still I Guess: Marrying a pumpkin is going to take a lot of time and energy. For one thing, have you thought about how you’re going to have kids? That’s right. You need to think about that. You’re going to need to french kiss a pumpkin. And with tongue, too. You’re going to need to really go to town on that pumpkin. Do you think you’re ready to really make out with that pumpkin? Do you think you have what it takes to make that pumpkin feel like the only gourd that matters to you in this world?

Step 4: Don’t you walk away from me!

All Right This Is Still Step 2: Look, I’m just saying maybe you’ve been paying too much attention to What Are You Playing and pumpkins and haven’t noticed that step two has been here for you all along.

Step Pumpkin: Get divorced.

Bonus question: How easy do you find it to make new friends?

​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Assuming my second vaccination doesn’t mess things up, some Pokemon Go so I don’t turn into a vegetable, New Pokemon Snap because it’s amazing, and Monster Hunter Rise to complete a few things… and stock up on melding supplies.

Oh god, making actual new friends is super hard for me. When that comes up IRL, people sound so surprised since I tend to participate or even start the social stuff (meet-ups, work events, etc), but it’s true.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Same for me – I’ll be in City of Heroes with my kids, and then I’ll be in Star Wars Galaxies Legends trying to see what I can actually do with the Bespin stuff. Now that it’s here, I find myself being more hyped about the place than the content. It makes no sense.

Not easy at all, but more my fault than theirs. Much harder than keeping old ones!

Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX, YouTube, Twitch): Elyon Online closed beta test! Like many other players, I’ve been looking forward to this gem since 2018 and I’m so ready to play it. However, unlike some of the players, I also recognize that this is a closed beta test and not to be treated like a final product.

I don’t struggle making friends. I’m a pretty approachable guy in real life and I can chop it up with almost anyone. The hard part is keeping the ladies at bay. It’s the hardest part of being so incredibly handsome. It doesn’t help when my limitless well of charm and humor just just increases the range. It’s so hard to be me. And don’t even get me started on stud finders. They just full on can’t find any other stud when I hold one.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I’ve finally gotten the urge to log back in to Final Fantasy XIV recently, approaching RP wallflowers and having fun goofing around with them, so I may do that again. I also am considering joining in the community goal of Elite Dangerous a bit as well, but chiefly I want to fire up Hardspace: Shipbreaker, as it’s gotten a big new update and I’m definitely in the mood to cut up spaceships.

In meatspace, I tend to not be someone that makes friends easily, but online I am generally more personable and tend to befriend most anyone. I don’t know what that says about me, honestly.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I… honestly can’t talk about what I’ll be playing mostly this weekend. Sorry! It is a secret.

I’m good at establishing casual rapport with people, but stating up actual friendships is another story. Basically, people who meet me think that I’m very personable and likable, but I have a very hard time overcoming my awkward nature, so it tends to be difficult for me to form what I would consider robust friendships.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): This weekend will find me slogging through Apex Legends. I never felt the need to play it but Carlo brought it up and apparently I hate my free time. I’m also still marching through Narita Boy. I might be able halfway done judging by the memories I’ve unlocked.

Yeah, I don’t tend to make a ton of friends. It’s hard and I don’t really like other people all that much.

Pierre, patron: My gaming weekend will probably involve some The Elder Scrolls Online. I’m still enjoying it. No in-game story this week, but I’m in the middle of another very interesting and well-written quest at the moment. I’m thinking about playing a solo game. I have a few games I never completely finished and I’d like to. Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone are the best candidates for the moment by I’m still hesitating as both are great games.

Bonus question: I have great social skills probably as it’s always been very easy for me to make new friends, even people I don’t have a lot in common to begin with. So the answer will be “very easily.” And you MOP readers, what are you up to this weekend? Making new friends in a MMO maybe? Let us know in the comments.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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