The cast of the side-scrolling action MMO Closers is expanding once more, and this time it’s getting a mope-filled scarf-wearing debt collector who loves knives and spouting off LiveJournal-esque witticisms like “scars that aren’t healed bear emotions.” It’s time to say hello to Eunha. Don’t expect her to say hello back, though.[AL:Clo]
This new character’s arrival is being heralded with a pair of events running between June 9th and June 23rd. Players can rake in 10 days’ worth of login rewards like a Floating Piggie and various boosts, and dungeon clears will drop a special currency that can be traded in for other goodies like a yukata costume, boost items, and a special box that can only be opened when playing as Eunha. There’s also a pre-starter pack on sale during the event period with unique Eunha cosmetics among other items.
Players who are interested in learning about all of the event goodies can check out the website, or you can learn more about the so-called “starlight among the pile of knives” in the story trailer below.