With some big new MMO shiny coming along every week this summer, it’s perfectly understandable if you totally lost track that Aion Classic launched a mere month ago. At the very least, NCsoft hasn’t forgotten — because NCsoft very much wants to convert those players to regular Aion.
At least this is the sense that we got from a strange short letter written to the Aion Classic community, in which the company encouraged legacy players to, y’know, see what’s the latest and greatest in the version of the game they’re not currently playing.
“With the release of Aion Classic in the west, thousands of Daevas have been enjoying their return to Atreia,” NCsoft began. “Some adventurers wish to expand their experience to the entire Aion Universe, and for these Daevas we have put together a brief guide on our most recent changes to Aion so that you can glide smoothly back into action!”
That brief mention of “thousands” there is the sum total of released information thus far on Aion Classic’s numbers, which could be a sign that this experiment isn’t going quite as well as NCsoft hoped. If the population is on the low side, it could be the reason why NCsoft is pushing for the conversion.