Back in 2013, Disney had elected to shut down the MMO Toontown Online, but fans almost immediately picked up the torch and ran with it, creating Toontown Rewritten, a free-to-play rogue server that has since been releasing updates and events. Readers will recall we highlighted this server in 2019.
The game is back in the spotlight in 2021 thanks to a new expansion known as Sellbot Task Force, an update that represents about four years’ worth of development work and a whole lot of new content for high-level toons. The centerpiece of this update is the addition of Sellbot Field Offices, multi-floor instances that require multiple groups to take down. These locations offer several challenges including mazes, boss fights, and in some cases certain skills won’t even work unless players recover stolen jokes on certain office annexes, all capped off with a turn-based boss fight against a Boiler.
On top of that, there’s a new task force hideout that players can earn access to that offers up over 50 Toontasks and a variety of rewards, while the update has further refined the game’s battle system with a better appearance, improved usability, the promise of flexibility for future expansion, and support for the all-new strategies introduced inside of Sellbot Field Offices. If the landing pages linked above don’t provide you with much information, these patch notes may suffice. There’s also some videos related to the update below.