Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis kicks off its first world trial with the Stellar Grace Recovery Operation


It’s not running around the open world of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis collecting stuff to get a temporary buff, it’s a “world trial.” Specifically, it’s the Stellar Grace Recovery Operation that kicked off yesterday, tasking players with taking 24 hours to collect Stellar Grace in exploration sectors and reap rewards like a 24 hour-long boost, various items, and additional boost effects when certain objectives are completed.

There are other events on the game’s calendar on top of the world trial, such as a campaign that rewards items for using AC, a team play event, and the continuing Retem region’s release celebration, all of which are running until Tuesday, January 25th, while the MMO’s most recent patch added another AC Scratch Ticket style set.

source: official site (1, 2, 3)
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