The newest patch to ArcheAge is thin on content (unless you consider new marketplace items to be content), but it does have a couple of useful events going off right now, particularly those who are looking to advance their character levels or synthesize some gear.
Between now and Thursday, March 17th, players will be able to receive discounted – or in some cases completely free – synthesis of equipment so long as they stay within 70 meters of an NPC named Excited Jake at the entrance of Mirage Isle. The discounts differ depending on the equipment being synthesized, so interested players will want to check the table to see where their gear falls.
Otherwise, all players will be able to get double the XP, loot drops, honor points, and vocation badges, also between now and the 17th. The patch otherwise squashes a couple of bugs, adds the new ArchePass for Unchained, and brings the aforementioned new marketplace items.