Players of ArcheAge Unchained who were fans of the game’s previous fresh start servers are likely going to be happy with this news: Starting today after maintenance is wrapped up, two new fresh start servers – one for NA and one for EU – will open their doors.
The announcement grants a table of dates and times that fresh start players will want to bear in mind, such as the land rush starting on February 11th, character transferring available on May 4th, and the servers’ closing on June 29th. Players on these servers will get to rake in double or triple XP, honor points, and vocation badges until May 4th, and graduation rewards will be available for purchase when a fresh start character has achieved a certain level.
Meanwhile in both Unchained and base AA, this week’s patch brings difficulty tweaks to the Abyssal Kraken, launches a boost for XP, loot, and point earnings that runs until February 23rd, and kicks off an Aria’s Concert event. Maintenance needed to apply the new patch and to bring the new fresh start servers online is going to run a bit longer than normal, ending at 12:00 p.m. EST today provided things go well.