We love a good relaunch story around here. We all like to tell stories like Final Fantasy XIV where a game comes out, isn’t good, gets improved, and suddenly it’s a massive success. But statistically, most relaunch stories don’t end like FFXIV; they end like Secret World Legends, where a whole lot of time and effort is spent changing things that aren’t the real problems and the whole thing gets abandoned pretty darned quickly.
Free-to-play relaunches, new publisher relaunches, minor rebrandings, and all the different edits you can think of are all fair game today. What’s the most shameful MMO relaunch you can think of? When did you see an old game – whether you loved it or not – be changed and put up as a new offering only to feel low-key ashamed for what was being done to this title? And yes, that includes old titles being relaunched while proudly touting crypto integration.