It’d be easy to pretend that my job is the reason I tend to try most new MMOs that will eventually become favorites pretty early on in their lifespan, but that would be a lie. I bought Final Fantasy XI as soon as it launched in the US. I bought Guild Wars and City of Heroes within a month of their launches. World of Warcraft was like a week after launch. More often than not, I bought the games I wanted to play outright immediately. There are games I have bought well after their launch, but more often than not they did not become games I loved.
But I am not the only person on the planet, and I know there are people who never touched a game until years after its launch and fell in love with it. So what’s your longest stretch between the launch of an MMO you love and your first time playing? Not the time you fell in love with it, but when you first made an account and logged in?