Tarisland shares a deeper look into the mechanics of its Mage class


While Tarisland provided a video preview of its Mage class last week, that was arguably more bluster and showcase instead of anything terribly informative. Luckily, Tencent has decided to fill in those information gaps with a more focused detail post about the Mage.

Much of what is touched on was already pointed out in the aforementioned video, like the class’ connection to the High Elf race and its role as a ranged damage dealer, but there are some additional granular details offered as well, specifically about the Mage’s frost spec and fire spec. Frost is described as a slowing and controlling style of gameplay that can either rely on kiting or unleash painful conal attacks, while the fire spec has hard-hitting instant spells that allow for more mobility or a “skyfire” spell tyle that roots the Mage in place to unleash even more devastating attacks.

in both cases, the Mage will want to keep its distance, as it’ll have a bad time if a target manages to close to melee range, though it also has some tricks up its sleeve like a blink ability, shields, disruptions, and more. For those who were curious about what the Mage is all about (or wanted confirmation that it’s not really rocking the class boat), you’ve got a whole post that grants some more details now.

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