Lord of the Rings Online preps a performance-improving patch for tomorrow


This month we have seen Lord of the Rings Online’s development team unusually excited about a possible solution to one of the game’s major drawbacks: its notorious lag. Earlier in June, SSG Executive Producer Rob Ciccolini said that the studio “found two sources of big lag in LOTRO, working on squashing those and getting them into the game. Very psyched about that.”

This fix — or a part of it, at least — looks to be going into the MMO with Wednesday’s Update 36.0.2. The patch notes relay, “Implemented a fix to increase performance in Delving missions and instances.”

The small update also makes a small adjustment to Wardens, fixes a problem with Tokens of Heroism that weren’t dropping, spread delving NPCs to eight additional skirmish camps, and lowered the introductory quest to Rohan to level 72.

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