Tower of Fantasy welcomes players to Version 3.0 and the realm of Domain 9


Just when you think that you’ve mastered everything that an online game has to offer, a big ol’ content patch appears and throws you into the cycle of exploration, challenge, and conquest all over again. So it is with Tower of Fantasy, which updated to Version 3.0 today with a brand-new world to discover.

The cel-shaded gacha title announced that its free update includes a new map, a couple of additional simulacrums (LiuHuo and Yulan), and difficult threats. The centerpiece is Domain 9, a previously isolated realm that’s split up into four zones that are themed according to four ancient mythical creatures.

“Wanderers will also be able to utilize brand new modes of exploration such as relic Speedwalkers for skywalking, as well as new cruisers,” developer Hotta Studio said. “New gameplay features will be introduced such as the smart servant system and mentorship system, aiding Wanderers during difficult combat and recruiting mentors and apprentices to the platform.”

The studio struggled to get the patch going, resulting in extended downtime and compensation for players.

Source: Tower of Fantasy, Press release
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