If your whole purpose of playing New World has been centered on earning XP in the MMO’s second season, you probably would be upset to see that all of your work was being destroyed when you logged out. Luckily, that problem has ideally been addressed thanks to a hotfix that went out earlier this week.
Amazon Games identified and squashed a bug that was regressing season XP whenever players finished a play session this past Thursday. A day later, the devs returned lost XP back to affected players. The same announcement tweet additionally confirms a known second issue where players have had their entire season pass advancement reset, especially in relation to repeatable content. The problem is ongoing and Amazon is promising an update shortly.
⚠️ Season Pass Data Restoration ⚠️
Following yesterday's hotfix, players who previously had Season XP loss will now begin to receive any previously lost XP. A full client restart will be required to see the total sum adjusted in the game UI.Separately, we are also investigating… https://t.co/mjfqUakNBM
— New World Game Status (@NWGameStatus) July 15, 2023