A “rocky” launch indicates both highs and lows for a fledgling title, and that’s exactly the sort of journey that Palia has experienced over the last few weeks. Following the flood of players arriving to check out this life sim MMO and the resulting criticism and feedback, the developers at Singularity Six finally posted not one but two lengthy blog posts this week detailing the project going forward.
Game Director Aidan Karabaich apologized for falling short of expectations in the genre, saying, “While we’ve been making progress on that core, we’ve also built a foundation and some of the accouterments that players coming to Palia with MMORPG scale experiences and expectations might expect. But we know we’re not there yet on the MMO side for a lot of players.”
He went on to say that Palia’s vision is “grand” and that it will take “years beyond launch” to achieve it.
In a companion article, the developers responded to the most pressing issues players had and outlined some of the tasks they hoped to accomplish soon. These include allowing players to sit and lay down, interact with furniture, roll characters with lighter skin tones, destroy garden crops, and engage in “proximity text chat” (i.e., chat bubbles).