World War II Online seeks more crowdfunding for Unreal Engine upgrade


You know how everyone likes to joke that M*A*S*H the TV show was several times longer than the actual Korean War? Let us pause to consider that World War II Online (aka Battleground Europe), which launched in 2001, has lapped its source material a few times as well.

In any case, this ongoing virtual conflict is hoping to spruce up its visuals and performance with an upgrade to Unreal Engine 5. But to do that, the studio needs funds, and it is turning to the playerbase with a $32,000 ask for this project.

The studio said that “WWII Online 2.0″ will offer modern vehicle artwork, eliminate technical debt, and improve infantry animations: “This is important because the work we do now to increase our visual appeal while removing known issues will optimize your experience today and downstream.”

Source: Indiegogo
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