It’s time to once more share word of an in-development indie MMORPG that believes it can bring back the genre’s bygone halcyon days. Meet EverCraft Online, a 3-D voxel art MMORPG being crafted by h1ddentree Entertainment that aspires to offer a classic genre experience for fans to enjoy.
“A world of adventure and excitement awaits you in Adrullan! Getting back to the classic roots of the MMORPG genre, EverCraft Online is designed to be a demanding, yet rewarding, multiplayer experience.”
The MMORPG hallmarks are all here, with monster slaying, crafting, and an overarching story line involving learning the secrets of old gods and harnessing their power before the land’s enemies do, all with what reads like a group-centric bent to overall gameplay meant to “forge friendships.”
An FAQ additionally notes the game is in a pre-alpha state with quick closed tests announced solely within Discord. It also confirms that despite its Minecraft visuals, players will not be able to terraform or build within the game’s world freely; the graphical style is built so that the devs can swiftly add new features, though allowing players to place pre-fab buildings isn’t entirely off the table.
In terms of the game’s wider testing plans, those don’t appear to be locked down as the devs work on building out the game world from an earlier offered vertical slice of gameplay. What is confirmed is that there is no monetization of the game currently and crowdfunding would only be done “as a marketing exercise” after the game is released, so if a voxel world of old school MMO gaming is your bag, you’re pretty much going to have to wait within the Discord for another test announcement; otherwise you can read up the website’s information or take the word of one pre-alpha tester.