Welp, I forgot Tarisland has Bards, and now it has my attention again with its deep-dive of the Bard class – one of the best things setting it apart from the MMORPG it’s very obviously aping.
“[The Bard’s] musical magic works in a more mysterious way than that of ordinary magic,” the video intones, showing off how the Bard works solo and in groups. “They can create sonic booms with their music to attack enemies with powerful impact. They can also heal allies to give their team the confidence to achieve victory. They’re performers on the tavern stage as well as artists on the battlefield.”
Note, the Bard in the video is very obviously an elven dude; while we know that Tencent is working on gender-unlocking all of the classes, most of them won’t be done by launch, and the studio didn’t mention the Bard as one that would be done by release (that would be Paladin and Mage).