Gigantic patches in balance and bug fixes ahead of its first major season

Good and big.

The Arc team behind Gigantic is more than a little excited at the upcoming first competitive season for the game, which kicks off on July 23rd. But before that happens, you want to make sure that the game is as balanced as possible, right? That’s definitely what the team behind the game seems to think, as the game’s latest patch has numerous balance changes for several characters as well as bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements for players.

Kajir, for example, has seen damage decreases for RMB and Q attacks, while Roland’s Focus deals less damage and can be deflected. Other characters, like Aisling and Uncle Sven, have seen more mixed changes that consist of a combination of lowered damage and buffs and other improvements. Check out the full rundown to see how things have changed as well as to keep abreast of the various bugs that have been fixed; next week is when the prime time starts.

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