Diablo IV deep dives Spiritborn guardians, Diablo Immortal runs a dungeon event


Which version of Diablo are you playing these days? If it’s Diablo Immortal, then you have the opportunity to take part of a “Risk and Rally” dungeon blitz event that’s happening from today’s patch on through August 11th.

The studio said that rewards await those who sprint through instances ad nauseum: “There will be a specific leaderboard for each current dungeon. Clear the dungeon by defeating its final boss as quickly as possible. Depending on your clear time, you’ll be added to that dungeon’s leaderboard, receiving points for your placement.”

Meanwhile over in Diablo IV, the spotlight remains on the upcoming expansion’s new class, the Spiritborn. Blizzard Narrative Designer Eleni Rivera-Colon sat down for a deep dive on how the class leverages symbiotic relationships with spirit guardians:

Source: Diablo, YouTube
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