Angela Game is full-speed ahead on its survivalbox MMO Myth of Empires: It’s just put a date on the game’s second season servers. Specifically, season two lands August 16th and runs through October 15th.
“This season will feature many of the same character growth bonuses introduced to the game during Season 1, with many additional improvements based on player feedback,” the team promises.
“The level cap will be set at Level 45 for the first week and increased to Level 60 in the second. Honor and Copper Coins will be easier to come by, with lootable lanterns providing a 100% chance to earn both. The game’s coveted Beast Lord mounts will be easier to summon and will have boosted stats, further improving their usefulness in helping players achieve their imperial goals. Additionally, buildings in certain caves will take 5x more damage, while arrow towers in caves will only deal half damage.”
Players considering a return should head over to the game’s Steam page, where Angela Game has gone into much more detail on what read to us as quality-of-life and accessibility upgrades; we spy speed boosts for leveling, easier access to beast lord summoning, stronger beast lords, better siege weapons, stronger caves, and improved seasonal rewards.