Greek myth-themed survivalbox Dawn of Defiance begins its early access


That’s right, we’ve got another multiplayer survival sandbox on our hands, only this one is wearing a mythological Greek costume: It’s Dawn of Defiance, a game that we reported on this past May that casts up to four players as mere mortals trying to build themselves up into god-like anti-heroes.

“Discontent brews in the Underworld, and by the hand of Charon, you have been spared death and brought to a lost shore to be tested. To discover your role in an elusive plot against the Gods, you must start from nothing, hunt for resources, and arm yourself against the dangers of the isles. Only then will you prove yourself worthy of the greater trials ahead.”

Gameplay appears to be cut from a similar stock as other survivalboxes, with players having to gather, craft, and build their way up to power while exploring a realm of mythic ruins and various biomes. The ultimate goal is to complete the trials of the Olympians, steal the knowledge of the gods, and cross the threshold into the Forgotten Crossroads to learn the purpose of this quest.

Developer Traega Entertainment projects early access will “ideally” run for two years, with the current build featuring the first major biome, the first tiers of craftables and buildables, progression guideposts with “minimal narrative,” and some minor challenges and puzzles to unlock additional recipes.

Early access will set players back $20 (though it’s on sale for $15 until August 29th); the studio points out that pricing will scale upward as updates roll out while the current price represents a “reward” for early adopters who take a risk in buying in ahead of time, which could be construed as a way for the devs to leave the door open for price changes before a 1.0 release.

source: Steam
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