Wayfinder ‘stealth releases’ its Quality of Life 2 patch for Steam and PS5


What’s perhaps better than a quality-of-life update that promises to improve your overall experience in a game? It’s when that patch surprises you by coming out sooner than expected.

That’s what happened with Wayfinder’s latest early access release, which Airship Syndicate pumped out as a “stealth release” on Friday. The Quality of Life 2 patch went live on Steam and is expected to arrive on the PlayStation 5 version by Saturday.

So what qualifies as quality-of-life improvements? With this patch, Wayfinder expanded player apartments, added a world scaling option to “scale enemies to your power level,” made finale encounters more diverse, added a multiplayer co-op tutorial, highlighted main story quest objects in the world, doubled reward tower XP gain, and “added reorientation windows throughout all abilities and attacks, allowing you to pivot and retarget enemies fluidly.”

The studio teased “some exciting announcements” for Wayfinder coming early next week.

Source: Discord
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