New World is running a contest to put a player-designed cooking recipe into the game


You know, we’ve seen a lot of creative contests in MMORPGs that end with the winning designs put into the game, be they houses or armor or weapons. But I’ve never seen a recipe actually go from the real-world to the game, which is exactly the offer Amazon is making for its latest New World promo.

“Amazon Games and New World are taking part in the 2024 Playing for the Planet Green Game Jam,” the studio has announced. “The Green Game Jam is an annual project organized by Playing for the Planet where gaming studios are challenged to implement ‘green activations’ into their games. This year’s event is about making small changes to the way we eat to drive demand for more sustainable food sources. With sustainability in mind, we are excited to give our players the opportunity to design a new in-game cooking dish. While resources in Aeternum may respawn infinitely, we must consider the environmental impact of our choices in the real world.”

To participate, players must put together a recipe with three to seven ingredients from its specific “sustainable ingredient” list, then submit it to the game’s Discord for voting by September 25th. The winning recipe will then be added to the game itself. “Look forward to discovering which buffs the Development Team will include based on your recipe’s ingredients, name, and description,” the studio says.

Personally, I’m looking forward to eating the food. I mean, you can do everything from savory entrees to a whole-ass cake with this list. Yes please.

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