Sure, Roblox has found a way to turn its player population into an endless font of content that the owners can monetize and give the players pennies on the dollar, but at some point people might log off from Roblox. Wild, right?
This is why the game has launched a new specialized chat client called Party to help players chat and form groups without having to rely on external tools like market leader Discord. The new text-based messaging app will work across multiple games in Roblox and allows up to six players in a group at launch.
The good news is that those who immediately worried about accessibility and the game’s moderation environment can at least breathe a small sigh of relief to know that the developers are allowing only players flagged 13 or older to make use of the chat feature. So not everyone has an open pass. Whether or not that will avoid any potential issues remain to be seen, but at least slightly older players can theoretically benefit from in-game chat that crosses multiple game modes.
Worth noting here is that we just covered how MMORPG Pax Dei has done exactly the opposite of what Roblox is doing here; Pax Dei is integrating Discord into the game itself so that players can seamlessly connect to their social groups within and without the game.