Generally, a ship entering red alert in Star Trek is a semi-rare occurrence, signaling that things are getting a bit more tense and dangerous. However, red alert is going to be the state of the whole galaxy in Star Trek Online, as the MMO has elected to engage every Red Alert event at the same time over the next couple of weeks.
From Tuesday, December 31st, until Tuesday, January 14th, every platform will see Red Alert TFOs for the Borg, Elachi, Tholian, Tzenkethi, and Nakuhl running at the same time; the Tzenkethi Red Alert will still have a failure condition, but that will be changed to players just not getting rewards instead, and future runs of the event will “likely” have the fail state removed completely.
Players who take part in these numerous TFOs can expect returning rewards as well as a package that hands out an ultimate tech upgrade, specialization point, and experimental ship upgrade token if players complete any TFO a total of ten times, with progress to the goodie box available once per day. So there’s a little extra incentive to go on constant red alert for a little while.