Tarisland is holding a week-long in-game food festival event with… food trucks

We have Anduin at home.

Are your Tarisland characters hungry? Then they’re in luck because there’s a new event coming online this week that will encourage players to make some tasty in-game food and be rewarded for doing so, though we have to admit that the rewards aren’t immediately obvious.

From January 13th through the 19th, food trucks will appear in major locations across the MMORPG, offering opportunities for players to cook dishes and share them with others as well as clear a secret dungeon. The fifth and sixth days of the event will also kick off additional activities like a gourmet party and a gourmet feast, both of which engage at specific times until the event wraps up.

In terms of rewards, there are gift boxes hiding in the event dungeon, unique buffs granted when event recipes are cooked, and a rainbow candy event currency that can be exchanged for rewards. Presumably, anyway; the literal announcement states “you can get props rainbow candy exchange rewards.” Whatever is happening, there will ideally be food, folks, and fun this week.

source: Twitter
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