Warner Bros Games sheds its CEO, partly owing to Multiversus’ profit problems


It looks as if the latest big-dollar stumbles for the Warner Bros. gaming division has come for the top of the tower, as CEO David Haddad will be released from his position after 12 years of leading Warner Bros. Games.

Readers will recall that Warner Bros. suffered some big losses thanks to its gaming division, with platform fighter MultiVersus contributing to $100M in lost profit along while $200M was lost thanks to Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League performing below expectations.

Even despite those lost millions of dollars, an insider reports that the company’s games division will not be sold off as it plans to “shift focus from AAA games that take years to make and ship to always-on live-services titles and mobile offerings.” In the meantime, Haddad will remain in his role for the next three months while a replacement is found.

source: Variety via VG247
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